Time Management in the “Busy Season”

Being in the Real Estate Industry in the summertime is basically synonymous with being extremely busy.

Do you feel like you are juggling right now?  Manage your summer schedule better with these 5 ideas. 


  • If it’s not something you personally need to do and you have the team to do it, delegate! It’s hard not to be in control, but delegating is necessary for managing a busy schedule AND staying on top of everything. It also will help you reach your potential in your business. 

Spend Quality Time With Your Family

  • When you keep the first things the first things, everything falls into place.” Don’t let your family and other relationships slip off the radar because of work- be conscience about prioritizing them! (Even in busy season). This will make you feel more productive and less overwhelmed in the long run.

Get Up an Hour Earlier

  • This one’s difficult for many, but the sunlight in the morning can help get you out of bed! Get up an hour early and take time writing out your to-do’s for the day. Time block time block, time block. Once you get in control of your time, you will feel like you get so much more done during the day!

Just Say No

  • Don’t overbook yourself. Sometimes, saying no to unnecessary commitments is just what your busy schedule needs.

Consider hiring a temporary assistant

  • Hiring someone to take some things off your plate during the summer months is a great way to stay on track AND find yourself with a freed up schedule to focus on what is really important to you and your business. 

We make it our mission at Bankers Title & Bankers Closing Services to be a Minnesota Title company dedicated to making your lives easier (especially during the busy times). Work with a title company devoted to simplifying the transaction process today.